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Emu48 is an HP calculator emulator capable of emulating HP's powerful HP49 / 48 / 40 / 39 / 38 series calculators. This version is a bona fide, carbonized port for Mac OS X based on Pierre Tardy's version for the classic Mac OS. His version, in turn, is a port of Christoph Gießelink's SP25 update of Sebastien Carlier's original Emu48 for Windows.
To find out more about Emu48 for Mac OS X, please go to the Emu48 homepage.
Flythrough of the Bibliothèque Nationale (1999)
The Bibliothèque Nationale, the National Library of France, was designed by the architect Henri Labrouste in 1862 and built within the Gallery Mazarin in Paris over the course of six years. It is a continuation of Labrouste's use of cast iron materials juxtaposed with Grecian and Renaissance classical features and is a prime example of what is commonly called eclectic architecture. The following are excerpts from a flythrough of a LightWave 3D model of the Bibliothèque which I constructed for a class.
Still 1 |
Still 2 |
Format: QuickTime |
This is a depiction (from left to right) of Korovyov, Woland, and Azazello from the novel The Master and Margarita, written by the brilliant Russian novelist Mikahail Bulgakov. The three characters are just part of the fantastic and hilarious retinue (Woland is the Devil) that descends upon the city of Moscow one evening and wrecks havoc among a Communist regime. Adobe Photoshop was used to electronically airbrush the characters. This was a final project for a Russian science fiction and fantasy class (RU120). |
Algorithmically-generated Floral Ornament (1999)
In a SIGGRAPH 98 paper, David Salesin, Michael Wong and Douglas Zongker demonstrated a technique to algorithmically fill any arbitrary region with floral ornamentation that, instead of being truncated at boundaries, grows and stops naturally and automatically. As our CS224 final project, my partner Jimmy Ho and I reproduced these results coding exclusively with Java 1.2, extended upon them by allowing vector fields and bitmap masks to influence ornament growth, and created examples such as this. |
Ray - a raytracer (1998)
These are images from my ray tracer which I put together in CS123, Brown's introductory Computer Graphics course. It demonstrates texture-mapping, recursive reflection, soft (super-sampled) shadows, and adaptive anti-aliasing, but transparency isn't implemented.
All content copyright (1998-2003) Da Woon Jung
Last modified: Fri Oct 10 2003